Women’s Wrestling army is putting it out there that they have some of the best wrestling out there and have gifted us with a treat this week. A free full match with Trish Adora and Big Swole!!
This is not the first time that these two ladies have collided. It was alluded to during Big Swole’s entrance that maybe she’s trying to get revenge after their match back in 2019.
There is a clear adoration for each other displayed by both women. Two women that have proudly served their country, but two women that have a deep need to come out as the victor.
This match starts out with both women locking up and even trying to pin each other down to the mat to get an early win.
The fans standing by ringside help to bring the competition out of Trish and Big Swole.

Trish tries to put in some of her notorious submission moves, but Swole is not here to get tapped out. Nor sir, not today.
Swole starts to get the upper hand and delivers some vicious blows to Adora’s face and midsection.
A dragon screw to Trish leaves her leg hurt and causes her to be vulnerable to Swole’s attacks.
With the coaxing of the fans, Adora gets her second wind and pulls off some neck breaking suplexes.
You can feel the mounting desperation that both Trish and Big Swole have to win.
The crowd picked their favorite and not one single person in attendance is not fully invested .

A head bump takes them both down. As a ten count begins, the announcement of the 15 minute time limit exceeding leaves the audience, but more importantly both competitors wondering… if they had more time, who would’ve had their hand raised?This is a question, that I feel would need to be answered at later date. We need closure.
If this was a preview of what Women’s Wrestling Army has to offer, then I am certainly sold.
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