As fans, when we see the media and global attention that comes from celebrities participating in wrestling, we fully embrace the sheer pandemonium that it creates.
Sometimes, this generation can feel that this is a new trend.
Well, it wouldn’t be so common place in WWE, during Wrestlemania season, without Wendi Ritcher’s contributions to the Rock n Wrestling Era in WWE and MTV.

Wendi Ritcher was a breath of fresh ear in WWE, as she really represented the 80s women.
A women who was full of life and wanted to conquer the world, but knew that it took other strong minded women to partner with to make that happen.
Hence, the pairing with such an unconventional, colorful, and out of the box women like Cyndi Lauper, who was talking the MTV audience by storm was a match made in heaven.
Cyndi initially came into WWE programming for a feud with Lou Albano. After he was featured in her Girls Just Want to have Fun music video.
After this first showing, Lauper began to be in the corner of newcomer Wendi Ritcher to take on Fabolous Moolah.

Cyndi Lauper handpicked Wendi to represent for her at the MTV Brawl To End It All event where Ritcher beat Fabulous Moolah for the coveted women’s title.
A title that Moolah held for 28 years!
The match earned MTV it’s highest ratings to this point.
Which equivocally showed that women’s wrestling can draw a HUGE audience.
This match officially ushered in the Rock N Wrestling connection. An era that combined both music and professional wrestling.
Lelani kai took the title from Ritcher at the The War to Settle the Score event for MTV.
But it only gave Ritcher more of a fight going into the first Wrestlemania. When she won it back.

This starts off a world wind media tour for Wendi.
That has her featured in music videos with Cyndi that are in heavy rotation on MTV.
Magazine covers.

Let's not forget the Saturday Morning cartoon Rock N Wrestling that helped solidify Wendi Ritcher as a key player in the WWE top star list of the 80s roster.

A lot of women’s wrestlers in WWE don’t even get that kind of coverage in WWE now. So this was a big deal.

And this is why we should see these accomplishments for Wendi Ritcher as astounding. She made huge strides, not just in the the pro wrestling world. But just in 80's pop culture. In such a short amount of time.
This is something to acknowledge. And admired.