This #1 contender match for the zero hour of the Death Before Dishonor PPv is what makes this pre show time so vital to setting the tone for the night.
It’s been awhile since I’ve seen Leyla Hirsch in a ring and I’m happy to see this new, revamped bravado as she is now known as the the mercenary for the Kingdom faction. She makes it clear that ROH is her home and I think she can have some standout matches in this promotion.

Trish Adora is a stable in ROH. The women that I feel, put the most eyes on the ROH women’s division in 2021, and still keeps bringing it every time she steps in the ring. As she comes to the ring, she’s accompanied by The Infantry tag team, So she has people watching her back as well.

Both women honor the tradition of shaking hands before the match. Neither hesitates in putting some wrist locks on right away. Trish really has control of this match and even has Hirsch regrouping outside of the ring.
I think that this shocks Hirsch. Leyla probably thought that she would just have this match in the bag. But Adora’s extensive technical and submission based background really is on display. Especially with the phenomenal training that she has been getting in Japan over this past year.
Hirsch is smart and soon zones in on Trish’s arm and works on weakening Trish.
Trish gets a powerbomb in and goes full beast mode, with some powerful forearm blows and a suplex.
Hirsch gets Trish with a drop kick in the corner, to gain the upper hand.
In a surprising turn of event Leyla gets a quick hold of Trish’s arm and gets the win by submission.
Trish is visibly pissed but still wants to use the code of honor and shake Leyla’s hand, but Leyla attacks Adora instead. Which prompts Skye Blue to come out and protect Adora.

I wasn’t crazy about Skye Blue coming out and Trish needing to be saved. It made me feel that they are pushing Leyla and weakening the build up for Trish.
When ROH made its comeback, women like Willow Nightingale and Mercedes Martinez were brought back and given that push. But Trish hasn’t gotten the spot that I believe she played such a big part in making not only this generation of independent women’s wrestling so popular, but also this generation of ROH so popular.
Leyla is a competitor that is on the rise and certainly impressive, but hopefully the Afropunk Trish Adora will get another chance to show how dominant she can be in ROH.
Be sure to check out this great match between Trish and Leyla for free on the zero hour pre show below!!