Due to the awesome opening segment from the Knockouts on the first Night of the 1000th episode of Impact’s weekly show, I think that this brilliant mixed tag match between Alisha & Eddie Edwards vs Traci Brooks and Kazarian wasn't talked about enough.
This match has culminated from a well thought out feud. All stemming from Eddie Edwards making comments about good and bad wrestling legends. This led to Eddie and Frankie battling it out and Alisha being ride or die and plugging herself into this feud. Traci Brooks wasn’t having any of that. She has been by her husband’s side throughout this feud and finally got her wish to duke it out with Alisha in an official match.
After 12 years of being in retirement, Traci put on an amazing match. Also, Ms.Alisha was all the way in her bag during this match. Truly proving why she deserved this opportunity.
Immediately Eddie And Alisha Edwards come into this match gloating and feeling on top of the world. As if they already had this match in the bag.
Traci Brooks and Frankie Kazarian wanted to absorb the moment of Traci getting the awesome fan reaction for her returning match.
Traci looks amazing and is even wearing her signature Ms.Brooks gear.
As Traci enters the ring, she immediately blows a kiss to her son whose at ringside and is so excited to see his Mom perform.
Like pariahs, Alisha and Eddie zero in on the tender moment and make sure that they go over to taunt Traci’s son even before the bell is rung. Frankie and Traci see this, but try to stay focused on the match.
As soon as the bell rings, you can see that the main objective of Eddie and Alisha is to try and isolate Frankie in the ring and stay on him while Traci looks on. While also taking time out to taunt Traci and Frankie’s son at the same time of course.
Alisha and Traci starts off this match with Alsiha slapping Traci and Ms.Brooks jumping on Alisha with all of the stored up fury that she could muster. As the men fight outside of the ring, Alisha gets the upper hand and has Traci on the mat as she cockily makes the tag.
Eddie maintains control as Alisha comes in during the commercial break to deal out a few slaps to Frankie. Who almost loses his cool toward Alisha. Frankie finally makes it to his side of the ring to make the tag to an eager Traci, but Alisha quickly makes her way to Traci and yanks her from the corner to the floor so the tag can’t be made.
Right after that, a confused Frankie is attacked by Alisha as she pulls off a very impressive tornado DDT off of the apron unto Kazarian. Which is illegal by the way in this match. The ref doesn’t see it and Eddie rewards Alisha with a sloppy kiss as the crowd boos.
Eddie brings Frankie back to the ring and takes it to him. You can see the fatigue wearing down on Kazarian and Alisha works on wearing him down whenever the refs back is turned.
Traci is seen holding her hand out, desperately trying to get the tag. Eddie working on mocking Traci, which works, but not enough to eject Traci from the match. A slip up in the cohesive couple allows Frankie to get the upper hand and make the tag to an over eager Traci that unleashes on Alisha until Eddie intervenes and grabs Traci by the hair.
Traci rakes the eyes of Eddie and delivers an ex factor from the top ropes. Frankie removes Eddie from the ring. Leaving the two ladies to have the ring to themselves. Traci scoops Alisha up and hits the fade to black finisher and gets the win.
This was a great mixed tag match with everyone playing such an important role and really putting a cherry on top of this feud. This match was also followed by the announcement of Traci Brooks soon being inducted into the 2022 Impact Wrestling Hall of Fame on October 21th at Bound for Glory.
Traci is so deserving of this honor because she was the first women to really push for a Knockouts division and nurtured and loved all the women that walked in the locker room after her. I have always been a fan of Traci Brooks and love seeing her get her flowers with great matches like this and a Hall of Fame induction!!